Monday, November 14

What is a Guardian Angel?

Good Morning Kindred Souls,
What is a guardian angel?  It was a joy for me to learn about my guardian angels, and I am most certainly still getting to know mine. 
The word Angel means "messenger of God" and they do exactly that, carry messages between the Creator and the created, somewhat like heavenly mailmen.  They are with you right now, and everyone has one, from the time of their first breathe until they pass from this life.  These angels are pure beings of Divine light and they are here to help you in every area of your life.  And lovingly, angels will look past the surface and look instead, inside of us and see our inner Light, our unique Divinity.  They wont't judge us and will only bring us love.  You are safe with them and you can totally trust them. They know that you have an important mission in life and want to help you. The angels love for us is pure and they help us hear, touch, see and understand God in our everyday lives.  There's nothing too big or too small for them to handle; health, career, romance, money, family, and they joyfully work on our behalf the moment we ask them!  I've learned too, that we must ask our angels for help.  Although God and the angels already know what we need, they cannot intervene without our permission.  God gave us free will, and that means we make our own decisions in life.  If we want our angels assistance we must ask them! And I think the best thing about that is you can ask as often as you like.  You can't wear them out because they have unlimited time, energy and resources to help you. It is literally their sacred honor to help you in whatever way will bring you peace.
I don't know about you, but I was overjoyed to learn that I had such helpers with me.  I had always believed in having a guardian angel, having a strong Catholic background, but knew of nothing further regarding them. 
Tomorrow I will talk about how to envoke their help.
Meanwhile I'd like to thank you for stopping by today, and I look forward to chatting tomorrow.
Have a beautiful day and know that you are more Spirit than you are physical and be the beacon of Light and Love for your friends and family today!
Blessings :)

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