Wednesday, November 23

The Hierarchy of Angels - The Nine Choirs

    Good Morning and Many Blessings Angel Friends,
    Until I began my study of angels, I had no idea there were different levels of angls.  This is called a hierarchy and I've found the "flow chart" very helpful.
    Until the New Testament there were only two orders of angels the Seraphim and Cherubim.  Saint Paul extended the number by adding seven new orders bringing-up the number to nine orders... stating that the angels are arranged into nine choirs, which are grouped into three hierarchies, reflecting the Trinity. They are arranged according to their importance; Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.
    As in any hierarchy there are different levels and in this case Angels that preside over certain assigned duties or tasks.. Each sphere has a purpose and is in harmony with each other. Working together. 

The First Sphere
Seraphim  - (Singular "Seraph"), mentioned in Isaiah 6:1-7, serve as the caretakers of God's throne and continuously shout praises: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts. All the earth is filled with His Glory." The name Seraphim means "the burning ones." The Seraphim have six wings. Two of the Seraphim are named Seraphiel and Metatron, and Seraphiel is said to have the head of an eagle. It is said that such a bright light emanates from them that nothing, not even other angelic beings, can look upon them. It is also said that there are four of them surrounding God's throne, where they burn eternally from love and zeal for God.
Cherubim - A cherub, as described by Ezekiel and according to traditional Christian iconography.  Cherubim have four faces: one of each a man, an ox, a lion, and a griffon vulture. They have four conjoined wings covered with eyes, a lion's body figure, and they have ox's feet. Cherubim guard the way to the tree of life in the Garden of Eden found in Genesis 3:24 and the throne of God found in Ezekiel 28:14-16.  The cherubim are mentioned in Genesis 3:24;  Exodus 25:17-22; 2 Chronicles 3:7-14; Ezekiel 10:12–14, 28:14-16; 1 Kings 6:23–28; and Revelation 4:6-8. St. Thomas Aquinas theorized that Satan is a fallen Cherub.
Thrones or Ophanim - The Thrones or Elders, also known as the Erelim or Ophanim, are a class of celestial beings mentioned by Paul of Tarsus in Colossians 1:16.  They are living symbols of God's justice and authority, and have as one of their symbols the throne. These high celestial beings appear to be mentioned again in Revelation 11:16.  The Ophanim are unusual looking even compared to the other celestial beings; They appear as a beryl-coloured wheel-within-a-wheel, their rims covered with hundreds of eyes. They are closely connected with the Cherubim: "When they moved, the others moved; when they stopped, the others stopped; and when they rose from the earth, the wheels rose along with them; for the spirit of the living creatures [Cherubim] was in the wheels." Ezekiel 10:17

Second Sphere - Angels of the Second Sphere work as heavenly governors.
Dominions - The "Dominions" (lat. dominatio, also translated from the Greek term kyriotites as "Lordships") are presented as the hierarchy of celestial beings "Lordships" in the De Coelesti Hierarchia. The Dominions, also known as the Hashmollim, regulate the duties of lower angels. It is only with extreme rarity that the angelic lords make themselves physically known to humans. They are also the angels who preside over nations. The Dominions are believed to look like divinely beautiful humans with a pair of feathered wings, much like the common representation of angels, but they may be distinguished from other groups by wielding orbs of light fastened to the heads of their scepters or on the pommel of their swords.
Virtues - The "Virtues" or "Strongholds" lie beyond the Ohanim. Their primary duty is to supervise the movements of the heavenly bodies in order to ensure that the cosmos remains in order. The term coms from the word "might"  in Ephesians 1:21, which is also translated as "Virtue". Traditional theological conceptions of the Virtues might appear to describe the same Order called the Thrones.   "The name of the holy Virtues signifies a certain powerful and unshakable virility welling forth into all their Godlike energies; not being weak and feeble for any reception of the divine Illuminations granted to it; mounting upwards in fullness of power to an assimilation with God; never falling away from the Divine Life through its own weakness, but ascending unwaveringly to the superessential Virtue which is the Source of virtue: fashioning itself, as far as it may, in virtue; perfectly turned towards the Source of virtue, and flowing forth providentially to those below it, abundantly filling them with virtue."
Powers or Authorities - The "Powers" or "Authorities", from the Greek exousies, appear to collaborate, in power and authority, with the Principalities. The Powers are the bearers of conscience and the keepers of history. They are also the warrior angels created to be completely loyal to God. Some believe that no Power has ever fallen from grace, but another theory states that Satan was the Chief of the Powers before he Fell.  Their duty is to oversee the distribution of power among humankind, hence their name. Paul used the term rule and authority in Ephesians 1:2, and rulers and authorities in Ephesians 3:10. He may have been referring to the rulers and authorities of humanity, instead of referring to angels.

Third Sphere - Angels who function as heavenly messengers and soldiers.
Principalities or Rulers - The "Principalities" from the latin principatūs also translated as "Princedoms" and "Rulers", from the Greek arche, appear to collaborate, in power and authority with the Powers. The Principalities are shown wearing a crown and carrying a sceptre. Their duty also is said to be to carry out the orders given to them by the Dominions and bequeath blessings to the material world. Their task is to oversee groups of people. They are the educators and guardians of the realm of earth. Like beings related to the world of the germinal ideas, they are said to inspire living things to many things such as art or science. Paul used the term rule and authority in Ephesians 1:21, and rulers and authorities in Ephesians 3:10. He may have been referring to the rulers and authorities of men or societies, instead of referring to angels.
Archangels - The word "archangel" comes from the Greek archangělǒs, meaning chief angel, and aggělǒs which means messenger. The word is only used twice in the New Testament in Thessalonians 4:16 and Jude 1:9. Only Archangels Gabriel and Michael are mentioned by name in the New Testament. Michael is the only angel the Bible named expressly as "the" archangel. In the Book of Daniel he is referred to as "one of the chief princes". The word "prince" here is the ancient Hebrew word sar, which means a head person, a chief."
Angels - The "angels", from the Greek word angělǒs, are the messengers, and are the lowest order of the angels and the most recognized. They are the ones most concerned with the affairs of living things. Within the category of the angels, there are many different kinds, with different functions. The angels are sent as messengers to mankind.
    I hope you have enjoyed this inroduction to the choir of angels.  It has been fascinting and fun research for me.  And please join me during this Thanksgiving week in thanking God and our angels for the many blessings they bestow upon us. 
    Blessings and Joy!  Alane          


Thursday, November 17

We Can't Heal The world! (they say) ... but we CAN do our part.

    Good Morning Angel Friends :)  It has been a blessing and joy to enter the blogging world and make new friends who know tthat they are Spirit!
    I wanted to share a conversation I had this morning with a very dear friend, that has been on my mind ever since.  See, my friend gets irritated and upset when I help others.  She loves me deeply and knows that my resources are very limited as a single mother and she feels I need, most importantly, to care for own my family.  She, like my mom, have always said to me, "Well, you can't take care of the whole world Alane!"  I remember hearing that repeatedly as a child and it never "felt" right to me then either.
    My assessment of that way of thinking is this;  Well, no, we can't heal or take care of the whole world now can we?  BUT, I have repatedly seen in my life that the Lord continually gives us ways we can help people.  I have never had a whole lot of money in life, but I've seemed to have enough.  Even so, I consistently have seen the Lord provide ways in which I can help others, money or not!  We need to recognize these opportunities when they come knocking on our door.  I feel that our responses to these opportunties to care for our fellow man are the responses we will have to account for when we pass. 
In terms of charitable contributions, no, I don't send hundreds of dollars to charities, but I do have two charities I have spported my whole adult life, and I do send them $10, $15 and $20 throughout the year.  So, no, I am not saving the world, but I am doing my very small part.  My feelings are that all of these small parts we can do, add up to a tremendous difference on the face of this planet.
    This week two boys were visiting my fifteen year old son, and when they had left my son told me they are homeless and that he had gave them a blanket to take with them as it is getting quite cld now.  I was stunned and saddened.  I had just made dinner and had waited for his frinds to leave before I served it.  I felt awlful, and wish I had known they were homeless (and hungry) before they had left my home.  I made sure to get enough chicken out of the freezer to feed those boys tonight.  It made me sick as I thought of them leavng in the cold last night to go sleep in an abandoned warehouse here in town.  I actually saw in my mind's eye, myself and my two children walking around town with a blanket and no place to live, and I sure would want someone to help me.  and I also saw in my mind's eye, Jesus seeing them like that and expecting someone to care.  Yes, these boys are homeless due to their bad choices, but haven't we all made some verybad choices in life?
    Let us all do our small part today okay?  We are God's hands on this earth. And if you were to look around, I know you will see those opportunties the Lord has provided to help our fellow man.
    Blessings today!  Alane

Wednesday, November 16

Invoking the Angels

Invoking your Angels to help you achieve your intentions is a powerful spiritual practice that produces results that are much greater than working on your own.  Your Angels will send grace, wisdom, joy, energy and spiritual fire into your intentions to increase your ability to create your highest inspirations. You can connect with your Angels for assistance every day. and they will help with every aspect of life and spiritual evolution. There is nothing too big, or too small, for their loving presence to touch. They are beyond all the space-time limitations.  But the Angels work with your abilities – not theirs! So it is your capacity to receive their assistance that determines how effectively you are working with them.  When you call upon your Angels, you are really calling yourself into alignment with them, rather than calling them to you. You are tuning into their presence when you invoke them and they help you attune to the loving presence and radiance of your soul. Your Angels are always receptive to your invocations, and they always answer them. They act in accordance with spiritual law and act always in your best interest. They are connected to your soul and the Divine plan for you. Their assistance is pure and perfect love and is always in divine order. As you practice your invocations, your perceptions will expand and you will sense and experience more and more assistantance from your Angels.

You can invoke your Angels by saying something as simple as, “Beloved Angels, I call on you to bless me this day. Guide my thoughts, words and actions. Assist me to ________ (state what you need help with.) I release my intentions to your care. I also release all fear, worry or concern about them."  It is just tha simple!  You may also  mentally ask for their help.  Angels hear our thoughts with unconditional love.  Thoughts such as, "Dearest Archangel Michael, Please protect my family as they sleep tonight."  If you enjoy writing, you can pour your heart out in a letter to your angels. The power of the written word is miraculous. You can visualize your request mentally, holding an image of the angels surrounding you and your loved ones, or your car, or home, or situation in question.  And always be sure thank your angels for their assistance and guidance.  The words and methods aren't too important, as the angels see and respond to the prayer of your heart.  Again, due to free will, we just need to ask!

Learning to invoke the angels in my daily life has changed my life drastically!  I was oh so relieved to learn that all I need to do is ask!  Listenng is really the most difficult for most people at first, but you will get the hang of this as you practice and make invoking your angls help a part of your daily life.  And I will discuss listentening and recognizing their help in one of my next posts.

As you bring the practice of invoking your angels into your life, please to let me know how the angels are helping you! I've heard dozens of storis during my teachings and look forward to hearing even more!   Blessings! Namaste!   Alane 

Tuesday, November 15

What are Archangels?

Hello and What a Blessing Today is!  My Spirit is soaring and I am so excited to share with you!   * Last post, I spoke of guardian Angels and today I'd like to introduce you to the Archangels. *  The existence of archangels and their appearances in history occur in the sacred writings of all three of the great monotheistic world religions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This is a very striking incidence of common ground.  * Archangels are managers who oversee our guardian angels. Guardian angels and archangels are the most involved of all the angels, with helpingEarth and her inhabitants.  *  Compared to guardian angels, archangels are very large, loud and powerful, yet they're also extremely loving and without ego.   The archangels are nonphysical beings, and they can help anyone who calls on them, no matter your denomination.  They will respond to your requests, but due to free wll you have to can invoke their help.  This can be done with the spoken word, just a few thoughts, or by writing to them.  And it is fine to ask them to be permanently with you by your side through your life.  Being non-physical the have the abilities to be in more than one place,and they are happy to be by your sidet help!  * The Bible names Archangels Michael and Gabriel and some versions list Raphael and Uriel.  Ancient Jewish texts expand this list to 15 archangels.  I've listed the 15 here as an introduction.  You'll notice that all but two of their names end in the suffix "el".  This is Hebrew for "of God" or "from god."  These archangels are sometimes called by different names, but here are their most common ones, along with  their characteristics.

Ariel - This means "lioness of God." She helps with our physical needs; our money
problems, housing, supplies, and assists us with the care and healing of animals.
Azrael - This translates to "whom God helps." He helps those souls who have passed into Heaven, and helps to heal the grief stricken and consoles the bereaved. 
Chamuel - This translates to "he who sees God."  He helps us with our anxiety, and with personal and global peace.  He helps us find lost objects and people.  And is considered to be the leader of the angelic realm known as the "powers". 
Gabriel - His names means "Messenger of God."  He helps messengers, such as writers, teachers and journalists and helps us with our parenting and even conception and adoption issues. In the Bible, Gabriel appears in the book of Luke, announcing the coming birth of John the Baptist and Jesus.  And in the old testament, Gabriel saved Abraham's nephew Lot from Sodom's destruction.  And Mohammed claimed that it was Archangel
Gabriel who dictated the Koran to him.
Haniel - Meaning "glory of God."  Haniel helps women heal during their menstrual cycles
and is associated with the planet Venus and the moon. 
Jeremiel - This translate to "mercy of God."  Jeremiel deals with emotions, and heping us in reviewing and taking inventory of our lives.  He helps us to plan for positive change. 
Jophiel - This translates to "beauty of God" and she heals negative and chaotic situations and brings beauty and organization to our thoughts, homes, offices and other environments.  She lifts negativity in these areas and is known as The Upholder of Divine Law.
Meratron - Meratron was the prophet Enoch, who ascended after living a virtuous life of sacred service.  He heals learning disorders and childhood issues, helping with the new Indigo and Crystal Children.  In Jewish tradition, he is an extremely important archangel.  Many credit him with helping Moses lead the Exodus from Egypt to Israel.
Michael - His name means "he who is like God."  He releases us from fear and doubt, protects us, and clears away negativity.  Michael is the patron saint of police
officers because he protects and lends courage.
Raguel - his name means "friend of God."  He brings harmony to all relationships
and helps to heal misunderstandings. 
Raphael - His name translates to "he who heals."  He heals ailments and guides healers and would-be healers.  He's one of the 3 presently sainted archangels (the other 2 are Michael and Gabriel)  and is considered a patron saint of travelers.
Raziel - His name means "secrets of God."  He heals spiritual and psychic blocks and helps us with dream interpretations and past life memories.  He is described as the
embodiment of Divine wisdom.
Sandalphon - This archangels is the prophet Elijah, who ascended into an archangel.  He serves many purposes including helping people heal from aggression and anger and assists to deliver our prayers to the Creator.  He is known to help musicians, especially when using music for healing purposes. 
Uriel - His name translates to "God is Light."  He's an angel of wisdom and philosophy and illumines our minds with insight and new ideas. Uriel is thought to be the angel
 who warned Noah of the coming flood.
Zadkiel - His name means "righteousness of God."  He heals memory problems and helps with other mental functioning.  Many scholars believe he was the angel who prevented Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac, and is known for protecting us from lower energies.
Whew!  I am winded now, and so will finish here.  I look forward to continued sharing with you and am hoping that you have enjoyed your time with me as I so enjoy yours!  Many blessings,  Nmaste,  Alane

Monday, November 14

What is a Guardian Angel?

Good Morning Kindred Souls,
What is a guardian angel?  It was a joy for me to learn about my guardian angels, and I am most certainly still getting to know mine. 
The word Angel means "messenger of God" and they do exactly that, carry messages between the Creator and the created, somewhat like heavenly mailmen.  They are with you right now, and everyone has one, from the time of their first breathe until they pass from this life.  These angels are pure beings of Divine light and they are here to help you in every area of your life.  And lovingly, angels will look past the surface and look instead, inside of us and see our inner Light, our unique Divinity.  They wont't judge us and will only bring us love.  You are safe with them and you can totally trust them. They know that you have an important mission in life and want to help you. The angels love for us is pure and they help us hear, touch, see and understand God in our everyday lives.  There's nothing too big or too small for them to handle; health, career, romance, money, family, and they joyfully work on our behalf the moment we ask them!  I've learned too, that we must ask our angels for help.  Although God and the angels already know what we need, they cannot intervene without our permission.  God gave us free will, and that means we make our own decisions in life.  If we want our angels assistance we must ask them! And I think the best thing about that is you can ask as often as you like.  You can't wear them out because they have unlimited time, energy and resources to help you. It is literally their sacred honor to help you in whatever way will bring you peace.
I don't know about you, but I was overjoyed to learn that I had such helpers with me.  I had always believed in having a guardian angel, having a strong Catholic background, but knew of nothing further regarding them. 
Tomorrow I will talk about how to envoke their help.
Meanwhile I'd like to thank you for stopping by today, and I look forward to chatting tomorrow.
Have a beautiful day and know that you are more Spirit than you are physical and be the beacon of Light and Love for your friends and family today!
Blessings :)

Notes on 11.11.11

Hello and what a great day!    
I have learned so much from the beautiful and wise Doreen Virtue who has been in touch with her angels and many archangels since she was quite young.  This is what she has to say about today, 11.11.11;

.... We have a full moon and it symbolizes all of the spiritual light shining upon us, may we all pause to accept this gift with open hearts and minds. This is an opportunity to completely detoxify your mind and emotions. Release anything heavy or unwanted NOW. Stand outside under the full moon l...ight and consciously decide to let go of toxic guilt, anger, fear, and anything eroding your peace of mind. Face your true thoughts and feelings, without hanging onto them. And then be as a child with complete trust and faith as you nurture yourself with the healing love that is pouring down from the heavens onto you and everyone on earth. Absorb this light as the embrace of the angels who love you unconditionally. 111111 in Angel Numbers is highly significant of a gateway energy opening where everything is possible. Please align your thoughts and feelings with our collective desires for a peaceful and healthy planet. The angels can uplift you at your request. Thank you for your contribution to this beautiful experience!
Thank you Doreen you are truly an angel.  She can be heard on which is a free on-line radio station "for the Soul!".  I listen to it daily and have learned so much.
Blessings Everyone!

Welcome and Blessings :)

Hello & Welcome My Fellow Angel Lovers!  It is a joy to start a blog on the subject of most interest to me.  I welcome you and hope you stay awhile.  I will share my experiences and knowledge of the angels and hope you will find this a peaceful and restful place to visit.